Welcome to Slavebot Systems Limited!

Director/Founder/Contact: Syed Mohammed Rizvi ( smohdhr@gmail.com )

I am graduate of the California Institute of Technology and an engineer by profession and have worked in the software space for over 20+ years, during which I have been in a number of roles from Senior Developer to Engineering Manager. I wanted to create a website to highlight some ongoing projects.

List of ongoing projects:

  1. StockWidget:

    Design/Development Derivatives Automated Trading Application


    C++/WTL/Win32, CPPREST API, PostGres C++ API, Questrade C++ API


    Experimented with trading on BMO investor line. Successfully earned more than $16k ($300k capital investment base) in under six months of trading activity. Now working on creating an automated trading platform. To start with I want to replace the "Desktop Stock Widget" app I'm currently using. Right now working with WTL but will move to a web based Node / React SAAS after completion of widget app.

  2. Stock Widget Web Interface:
